Re: introduction, evolving

Zavoir Global was founded at the start of 2024 by Kelly J Zinnoury. The ZG brand is the brand new and evolved company rising from the Indigenous Nutritionist® brand, which was created in 2014 and was in business for 10 years. As Kelly found herself starting over again in a new country the time felt right to create something new. 

Zavoir Global has shifted to a subscription based newsletter, and will not be offering 1:1 virtual tele-health sessions.

Savoir is a French word meaning, “to know a fact or how to do something,” such as “Je sais respirer” (I know how to breathe) or “Je sais que les baguettes sont délicieuses” (I know baguettes are delicious). The latter may be more opinion than fact, but it’s a strong opinion held by myself and UNESCO.

Zavoir finds zoetic wisdom in the world’s pockets and unfolds its mysteries onto the page. The route from the brain to the fingertips cannot be done without a stopover at the heart. Encompassing the newsletter are life lessons from people, countries, and cultures regarding whole health at the intersection of themes such as art, literature, history, and psychology.

Zavoir still runs a free creative blog, which you can read on this website. The newsletter is affordable, informational, educational, and fun. In the future a Podcast will be added.

Thank you for stopping by!